
What size MontiiCo Lunch Bag do I need?

MontiiCo Lunchbags

Scarlett Tippy Toes has been stocking MontiiCo Lunch Bags for over two years and they are one of our most popular products. 

Some of the great benefits of these Lunch Bags

  • Made with quality premium materials so they are made to last
  • Includes a gel ice pack to help keep lunches fresh and cool, very important during the Aussie Summer
  • Easy to keep clean and features a new water resistant fabric to give an even better performance against dirt & grime. Just wipe down and air dry after use. They are also machine washable and we recommend you do this as required (we wash ours at the end of each school week) 
  • The lunch bag designs are FUN! 

MontiiCo have now even extended their range to include cooler bags! Perfect for grown up whether they want a stylish bag for their work lunch or the perfect way to carry snacks for a day out. 

Given that there are so many different Lunchboxes on the market, I am sure you will be asking a couple of questions

Will my child's lunchbox fit into a MontiiCo Lunch Bag?

What size MontiiCo Lunch Bag is suitable for my child's needs?

We look forward to answering this below with our detailed visual guide 

MontiiCo Original (Large) Lunch Bags 

The lunch bag that started it all!

This size is suitable for most bento lunchboxes and usually with room to spare. Suitable for primary school children or taking food our on day long adventures

MontiiCo Lunchbags Original Size


MontiiCo Original (Large) Lunch Bags & Lunchbox Combinations
B.Box Original Lunchbox Original Lunchbox and MontiiCo Original Lunchbag Mini Lunchbox & Snackbox Lunchboxes and MontiiCo Lunch Bag Mini Lunchbox and MontiiCo Mini Drink Bottle Lunchbox and MontiiCo Lunchbag Mini Lunchbox and MontiiCo Insulated Food Jar Lunchbox and MontiiCo lunchbag Original Lunchbox & Snackbox (on side) lunchbox and MontiiCo Lunch bag Snackbox x 2 & MontiiCo Mini Drink Bottle lunchbox and MontiiCo Lunchbag
Bentgo Kids Lunchbox & MontiiCo Mini Drink Bottle 
Bentgo Lunchbox and MontiiCo lunchbag
Go Small Luchbox
GoSmall Lunchbox and MontiiCo lunchbag
Go Green Medium Lunchbox and MontiiCo Snack Pack
Go Green Lunchbox and MontiiCo Lunchbag
Love Mae Lunchbox 
Love Mae Lunchbox and Montiico Insulated Lunchbag
Little Lunchbox Co Bento Five (or Three) and Bento Two 
Little Lunchbox Co And MontiiCo Insulated Lunchbag
Little Lunchbox Co Bento Two x 2 & MontiiCo Mini Drink Bottle 
Little Lunchbox Co Lunchboxes and MontiiCo Insulated Lunchbag
Little Lunchbox Co Bento Five (or Three) and MontiiCo Mini Drink Bottle
Little Lunchbox Co Bento Five and MontiiCo Insulated Lunchbag

Little Lunchbox Co Bento Stainless Steel Lunchbox & MontiiCo Snack Pack  (not recommended for younger children as stainless steel clips can cause rips in the lunch bag if used in a rough manner and MontiiCo does not cover this in their warranty)

Little Lunchbox Co Stainless Steel Lunchbox & MontiiCo Lunchbag
Omiebox Lunchbox
Omiebox Lunchbox and MontiiCo Lunch bag
Sistema Lunchbox
Siestma Lunchbox and MontiiCo Lunchbag
Smash Bento Lunchbox 
Smash Bento Lunchbox and MontiiCo Insulated Lunchbag
Yumbox Tapas and MontiiCo Snack Pack
Yumbox Original and MontiiCo Insulated Lunchbag
Yumbox Mini Snack Lunchbox x 2 and MontiiCo Mini Drink Bottle
Yumbox mini Lunchbox and MontiiCo Insulated Lunchbag
Yumbox Original Lunchbox and MontiiCo Mini Drink Bottle
Yumbox Original Lunchbox and MontiiCo Insulated Lunch bag
Yumbox Original & Mini Snack Lunchbox 
Yumbox Original and Mini Lunchbox and MontiiCo Insulated Lunch bag
Yumbox Original Lunchbox x 2 & MontiiCo Mini Drink Bottle 
Yumbox Original Lunchbox and MontiiCo Insulated Lunch bag


MontiiCo Medium Lunch Bags

MontiiCo medium lunchbags are approximately 75% of the size of the original lunch bag and are a great size for pre-schoolers or if you want to take some food out with you for a few hours 

MontiiCo Medium Insulated Lunchbags

MontiiCo Medium Insulated Lunch Bag & Lunchbox Combinations
 Beebox Medium Lunch Bowl
Beebox Lunch Bowl and MontiiCo Insulated Lunch Bag
Bentgo Fresh Lunchbox 
Bentigo Fresh Lunchbox and MontiiCo Insulated Lunch Bag
Bentgo Kids Lunchbox
Bentgo Fresh Lunchbox and MontiiCo Medium Insulated Lunchbag Mini Lunchbox Mini Lunchbox and MontiiCo Insulated Lunchbag Snackbox x 2 Snack Boxes and MontiiCo Insulated Lunchbag
Ever Eco Snack Box
Ever eco Steel Lunchbox and MontiiCo Insulated Lunchbag
Go Green Medium Lunchbox 
Go Green Medium Lunchbox and MontiiCo Insulated Lunchbag
Go Green Small 
Go Green Small Lunchbox and MontiiCo Insulated Lunchbag
Little Lunchbox Co Bento Five or Three
Little Lunchbox Co Bento 5 Lunchbox and MontiiCo Medium Insulated Lunchbag
Little Lunchbox Co Bento Two and MontiiCo Insulated Food Jar
Little Lunchbox Co Bento Two and MontiiCo Insulated Lunchbag
Little Lunchbox Co Bento Two x 2 
Little Lunchbox Co Bento Two and MontiiCo Insulated Lunchbag
Munchkin Bento Lunchbox 
Munchin Lunchbox and MontiiCo Insulated Lunchbag
Snack - A - Bento and MontiiCo Insulated Food Jar
Stainless Steel Lunchbox and MontiiCo Insulated Food Jar
Stuck on You Mini Lunchbox and MontiiCo Snack Bag
Stuck on You Bento Lunchbox and MontiiCo Insulated Lunchbag
Yumbox Mini Snack Lunchbox x 2 (stacked) & MontiiCo Insulated Food Jar
Stuck on You Lunchbox and MontiiCo Insulated Lunchbag
Yumbox Mini Snack Lunchbox x 2 
Yumbox Lunchboxes and MontiiCo Insulated Lunchbag
Yumbox Original 
Yumbox Lunchbox and MontiiCo Insulated Lunchbag


MontiiCo Mini Lunch Bags

MontiiCo mini lunch bags are less than 50% of the size of the original lunch bag and are perfect as a snack bag and can be easily stashed away in the nappy bag

MontiiCo Mini Insulated Lunchbags

 MontiiCo Mini Insulated Lunch Bag & Lunchbox Combinations
Avent Baby Bottle & MontiiCo Snack Pack
Baby Bottle and MontiiCo Snack Pack in MontiiCo Insulated Lunch Bag Snackbox 
B,box Snack Box and MontiiCo Insulated Lunchbag
Ever Eco Bento Snack Box
Ever Eco Snack Box and MontiiCo Insulated Lunch Bag
Little Lunchbox Co Bento Two 
Little Lunchbox Co Bento Two and MontiiCo Mini Insulated Lunchbag
Snack-A-Bento Lunchbox
Snack a Pack Stainless Steel Lunchbox and MontiiCo Insulated Lunch Bag
Yumbox Mini Snack Lunchbox 
Yumbox Lunchbox and MontiiCo Insulated Mini Lunchbag


MontiiCo Cooler Bag

A new addition to the MontiiCo range and aimed at the grown ups. Pack beach day snacks, picnic spreads and work lunches in style. It is even the perfect size for a cheeky six pack 

MontiiCo Cooler Bags

MontiiCo Cooler Bag & Lunchbox Combinations Mini Lunchbox Mini lunchbox in MontiiCo Cooler Bag Mini Lunchbox & Snackbox mini lunchbox and snackbox in MontiiCo Cooler Bag
Bentgo Kids Lunchbox
Bentigo Kids Lunchbox in MontiiCo Cooler Bag
Ever Eco Snack Box
Ever Eco Lunchbox in MontiiCo Cooler Bag
6 x 375ml Cans
Six Pack of Cans in MontiiCo Cooler Bag
Little Lunchbox Co Bento Five/Three
Little Lunchbox Co Bento Five/Three
Little Lunchbox Co Bento Two & MontiiCo Insulated Food Jar
Little Lunchbox Co Bento Two and MontiiCo Food Jar
Stuck on You Mini Lunchbox
Stuck on You Mini Lunchbox
Yumbox Original 
Yumbox Original Lunchbox in MontiiCo Cooler Bag
Yumbox Original & Yumbox Mini
Yumbox Original & Mini Snack in MontiiCo Cooler Bag
Yumbox Mini Snack x 2 
Yumbox Mini Snack Boxes in MontiiCo Cooler Bag
2 x Yumbox Originals (Stacked) 
Yumbox Original Lunchboxes x 2 in MontiiCo Cooler Bag
Yumbox Snack x 2 (Stacked) & MontiiCo Insulated Food Jar
Yumbox Snack x 2 and MontiiCo Insulated Food Jar in MontiiCo Cooler Bag

If you are not able to find your preferred lunchbox in the images above, we would recommend that you measure the lunchbox to determine what would be the most appropriate size lunch bag for it. Also keep in mind any extra items such as fruit or a drink bottle you may also want to include in the lunch bag.

Sizes of each lunch bag are as follows

Original MontiiCo Lunch Bag 28cm x 23.5cm x 7.5cm (inside measurements)

Medium MontiiCo Lunch Bag 21cm x 23.5cm x 7.5cm (inside measurements)

Mini MontiiCo Lunch Bag 15.5cm x 18cm x 7cm (inside measurements)  

Cooler Bag 26cm x 19cm x 15.5cm (outside measurements) 

We are only ever an email away if you also need assistance to determine the perfect size for you. You can contact us through this link

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