Puzzles (up to 150 Pieces)
Completing puzzles during early primary school years can provide many benefits including
- Physical Skills - holding pieces of the puzzles and moving them around to fit the pieces together. This includes developing motor skills & hand-eye coordination
- Cognitive Skills - this is developed as they work to solve the puzzle. Understanding shapes, developing memory and problem solving.
- Emotional Skills - learn to be patient, set goals for themselves and feel rewarded when they complete the puzzle.
We stock a range of puzzles from Djeco that are 150 pieces or less making them suitable for early primary school age (5-7 years old) depending on your child's skill level.
Our range of art puzzles feature a fun border which can provide an additional challenge for your child. We also have observation puzzles which once complete, allow your child to find different objects within the border of the puzzle and match to the puzzle.
These puzzles also provide a wonderful opportunity for the whole family to get involved in the fun of the puzzle.