Pull Along Toys

Djeco Otto Koala Pull Along Toy
Our collection of Pull Along Toys are suitable from 18 months of age.
Pull along toys will help to promote several parts of your toddler's development
  • Problem Solving
  • Whole Body Coordination
  • Fine Motor Strength

The skill of pulling is actually one that is usually learnt after your toddler will be confident in pushing, hence why is is a skill developed once your toddler is quite a confident walker. Toddlers will generally be pushing objects when learning to walk.

Problem solving skills will develop as your toddler learns to navigate the environment that they are pulling along the toy in. The toy might get caught on a wall or door and your child will need to use these developed skills to determine how to get the toy moving again. 

A simple toy it may seem, but one that provides an engaged toddler with many opportunities to develop their skills. 

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