
Children's Books with Themes of Diversity, Inclusion & BIPOC

Candice Farrugia

Collection of Children's Books featuring Diverse & Inclusive Characters
I think I do speak for a lot of people when I say that this week have been one that has been eye-opening to say the least. The brutal death of George Floyd and the subsequent Black Lives Matter protests in the US have had a ripple effect across the globe. And rightly so. 

As a White Person, I have an inherent privilege due to my skin colour. I have never had to experience racist taunts due to my appearance. I do not have to fear being arrested based on physically fitting a stereotype. I will never understand what BIPOC (Black, Indigenous & People of Colour) have to deal with in their everyday life. But I do want to stand up. And I want to do better. Because saying nothing is no longer an option. 

We need to do better because we have systematic racism in our own country.
  • An Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander woman is 21.2% more likely to be incarcerated than a white woman 
  • The Royal Commission reported 432 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders have died in incarceration since 1991.
  • In 2016 it was reported that about 1 in 50 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders were imprisoned and is increasing at an alarming rate
Honestly, I could continue with these statistics. They are frightening.

I have had my light bulb moment. I have woken up and realised how blinded and conditioned I am by my own privilege. I need to learn. And unlearn. For me this is starting in my own home. Because this is where I have the greatest impact. On my own children. 

After doing a survey on my own children's books (of which we own many), I have realised that we only have a handful of books that feature diverse characters. I am determined to change this. With the help of a number of resources I have compiled a list of books suitable for the 0-10 age group. I am planning to continue to purchase books from this list over the next few weeks so that I can introduce Diversity, being Inclusive & empathy to my kids. 

"I'm Australian Too" by Mem Fox⁣

"Hello Little Babies" by Alison Lester⁣

"Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes" by Mem Fox & Helen Oxenbury⁣

"Everywhere Babies" by Susan Meyers⁣

"All Are Welcome" by Alexandra Penfold & Suzanne Kaufman⁣

"Lovely" by Jess Hong⁣

"The Name Jar" by Yangsook Choi⁣

"Just the Way We Are" by Jessica Shirvington & Claire Robertson⁣

Little People, Big Dreams Series (including but not limited to) - Martin Luther King Jr., Jesse Owens, Muhammad Ali & Rosa Parks

"My Muslim Mate" by Amal Abou-Eid

"Why Does Mum Wear a Hijab?" by Amal Abou-Eid

"The Proudest Blue" by Ibtihaj Muhammad

"Every Child has a Song" by Nicola Davis 

"My Family Doesn't Look Like Your Family" by Tenielle Stoltenkamp 

"Change Starts with Us" by Sophie Beer 

"Kindness Makes Us Strong" by Sophie Beer 

"How Maui Slowed the Sun" by Peter Gossage 

"Finding our Heart" by Thomas Mayor

"No Difference Between Us" by Jayneen Sanders 

"The Skin I'm In" by Pat Thomas 

"Parker Looks Up" by Parker Curry 

"Last Stop on Market Street" by Matt de la Pena

This list is by no means exhaustive. If there is a title you believe should be included, please comment below or send me an email and I will continue to update this list. I have linked all books through to the Booktopia Website (where applicable)

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